TÜRKİYE BELEDİYELER BİRLİĞİ http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/ En FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES; MOBILITY AND NETWORKING ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/Announcement_for-local-government-employees-mobility-and-networking-assistance-programme_31981



Technical Assistance Project for “Town Twinning between Turkey and the EU –II (For a Green Future)” aims to strengthen the dialogue between local governments of Turkey and the EU member states through climate change and environment-based actions.


“Technical Assistance for Town Twinning between Turkey and the EU II- (For  a Green Future)”  is implemented by international Eductrade Consortium under the coordination of the Union of Municipalities of Turkey (TBB), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for European Union Affairs, the Union of Provinces, and the General Directorate of Local Governments of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.


Within the scope of this project, a “Mobility and Networking Assistance Programme”  is launched to contribute to the development of sustainable relations and joint projects on climate change between local governments in Turkey and the EU member states. In this context, support will be provided to the staff  and managers of local governments (municipalities and special provincial administrations) and investment monitoring and coordination directorates (YİKOB) in Turkey. 


Under the “Mobility and Networking Assistance Programme”, following types of activities are supported;

·       Developing joint projects on climate change issues and/or establishing new town twinning relationships/sister city relationships;

·       Ensuring information and experience sharing on climate change between local governments in Turkey and the EU member states;

·       Strengthening existing collaborations between local governments in Turkey and the EU member states;

·       Developing joint project proposals for different grant programmes financed with EU financial resources;

·       Ensuring the membership of local governments in Turkey to EU city networks and/or participation in events on climate change organized by these networks.


The call starts on 17 January, 2024 and will remain open until 16 February, 2024 at 17:00. Within the scope of this component, support will be provided until overall programme budget of 300,000 Euros expires.


Applications will be received online only through the project website https://www.towntwinning.eu/mobility/  


Applications will be evaluated in two stages: administrative and technical. In programme applications, the criteria specified in the Application Guide by the Programme Evaluation Committee will be taken into account. Applicants who are qualified to receive support will be announced on the www.towntwinning.eu website around mid March. Additionally, applicants will be sent a letter via e-mail.


The online system for participation in the programme will be open for applications as of  17 January 2024 and applications will close on 16 February 2024.

1/22/2024 12:00:00 AM TBB
LOCALINTERNational 2023 Participant List Announced http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/Announcement_localinternational-2023-participant-list-announced_21883

LOCALINTERNational is an international program annually organized by Union of Municipalities of Türkiye since 2012 with the aim of providing the participants with theoretical courses, practical examples, field visits and social activities together with trips to various cities in Türkiye.

This year, LOCALINTERNational 2023 will take place between 20 - 27 August with the participation of new graduates and last year students of universities. Our Union looks forward to hosting valuable young participants and to provide them with a beneficial local governance experience.

Click here to view list of participants.

7/28/2023 12:00:00 AM TBB
Bulgaria-Türkiye Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2021-2027 1st Call for Project Proposals Has Been Launched http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/Announcement_bulgaria-turkiye-cross-border-cooperation-programme-2021-2027-1st-call-for-proje_21845

The First Call for Project Ideas for the 2021-2027 period of the  INTERREG IPA Bulgaria - Türkiye CBC  Programme was launched on May 22, 2023.

All institutions and organizations are defined as potential beneficiaries in the programme document are able to submit concept notes of project proposals until July 24, 2023, provided that they comply with the rules set in the Application Guide published with the announcement. Project applications will only be made online via the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (JeMS).

Under the announced first First Call for Project Ideas, public institutions, local authorities, educational institutions, professional organizations and non-profit organizations such as NGOs in the administrative regions of Haskovo, Yambol, and Burgas in Bulgaria, as well as Edirne and Kırklareli provinces in Türkiye, can submit concept notes of project proposals.

In the concept notes for project ideas that contribute to the specific objective territorial strategy of the programme "Increasing the competitiveness of the local economy through sustainable and inclusive economic growth based on digital and green transformation,"  will be accepted. Within this framework, project ideas in the areas such as competitiveness and business environment, digitalization of the local economy and achieving climate neutrality, employability and labor market integration, tourism and ecosystem applications and services for the management of natural values with tourism potential can be presented.

Concept notes for project ideas should be designed with the aim of joint management in a way to provide common solutions to common problems, together with at least one project partner from both countries. Lead partners need to be registered and to operate in the programme area for at least 3 years prior to the application, while other project partners need to be registered and to operate in the programme area for at least 2 years prior to the application.

Potential beneficiaries who can submit project proposals are as follows:

1.  Local organizations of the Central Government (Governorships, District Governorships, Provincial Directorates, Regional Directorates)

2.  Local Authorities (Municipalities, Provincial Special Administrations)

3.  Public Law Institutions (Development Agencies/Administrations/Unions, Chambers, Exchanges, Cooperatives)

4.  Education and Research Institutions (Universities, Research Centers, Institutes, Schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education)

 5. Non-Profit Organizations (Professional Chambers, Foundations, Associations, other NGOs)


The total budget of the First Call for Project Idea proposals, is 13.4 million euros (including co-financing) with 85% EU contribution and 15% co-financing provided by the two countries.  The minimum amount for the project budget is 500,000 EUR while the maximum amount is 1,000,000 EUR

The implementation period of the projects is expected to be between 12 and 24 months.

Project idea proposals will be submitted with a concept note reflecting the project ideas. After the evaluation of project ideas, successful applicants will be invited to prepare and submit detailed project proposals.

The announcement for the First Call for Project Ideas and the application package can be accessed via this link.

Information events organized by Directorate for EU Affairs, which is the National Authority of the Programme, and the Managing Authority of the Program, can be followed on www.ab.gov.tr and https://cbc.ab.gov.tr/ websites as well as social media accounts of the Directorate.

5/24/2023 12:00:00 AM TBB
Webinar on Local Governments in Disasters http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/Announcement_webinar-on-local-governments-in-disasters_21827

Local Governments in Disasters and held the first program of the series last month, on April 5, UCLG-MEWA announces the second program of the series.

Titled “Sharing Experiences and Lessons Learnt” and organized in collaboration with UCLG Learning, the second webinar will focus on the best practices of the cities worldwide and peer learning experiences gained by various organizations in times of disasters. Thus, UCLG-MEWA once again offers a platform where local and global figures contribute to the whole context of local governments’ role in disaster management.

With its promising content and diverse range of speakers list, the second webinar will be held on May 4, 2023.

Please find the draft agenda below.

Click here to register.

5/3/2023 12:00:00 AM TBB
Applications Started for LOCALINTERNational 2023 http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/Announcement_applications-started-for-localinternational-2023_21818

International Local Authorities Internship Program is an international education program annually organized by Union of Municipalities of Türkiye since 2012 with the aim of providing local governance training to the participants through instructions, practical examples and field visits including social activities and trips to various cities in Türkiye.

LOCALINTERNational has been providing an international training environment to a wide range of participants from all over the world more focused on European, Asian and Middle Eastern countries to learn, socialize and see the good practices along with the examples of municipal work.

As the previous ones the program will facilitate trainings, field visits and social-cultural activities for future local leaders. Union of Municipalities of Türkiye looks forward to hosting valuable young participants and to provide them with a beneficial local governance experience.

All expenses will be covered by the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye.

Program dates: 20-27 August 2023


Click here to apply the program.

5/3/2023 12:00:00 AM TBB
Decision on Determination of the Duration of Additional Payment to be Given in 2021 (Number of Decision: 4226) http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/LegislationAnouncement_decision-on-determination-of-the-duration-of-additional-payment-to-be-given-in-2_21 The Decision on the Determination of the Duration of the Additional Payment to be Given in 2021 to the Workers Working in the Institutions Covered by the Law No. 6772 dated 4/7/1956 (Decision Number: 4226) was published in the Official Gazette dated 07 July 2021 and numbered 31534. 7/10/2021 12:00:00 AM TBB Communiqué on the Standards to be Followed in the Wholesale and Retail Trade of Vegetables and Fruits http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/LegislationAnouncement_communique-on-the-standards-to-be-followed-in-the-wholesale-and-retail-trade-of_23 The Communiqué on the Standards to be Followed in the Wholesale and Retail Trade of Vegetables and Fruits was published in the Official Gazette dated 29 June 2021 and numbered 31526. 7/10/2021 12:00:00 AM TBB The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/LegislationAnouncement_the-standard-lorem-ipsum-passage-used-since-the-1500s_19 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." 7/2/2021 12:00:00 AM TBB Milli Emlak Genel Tebliği http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/LegislationAnouncement_milli-emlak-genel-tebligi_1540

19/4/2012 tarihli ve 6292 sayılı Orman Köylülerinin Kalkınmalarının Desteklenmesi ve Hazine Adına Orman Sınırları Dışına Çıkarılan Yerlerin Değerlendirilmesi ile Hazineye Ait Tarım Arazilerinin Satışı Hakkında Kanun hükümlerine göre Hazineye ait tarım arazilerinin satışına ilişkin usul ve esasların belirlenmesi amacıyla hazırlanan Milli Emlak Genel Tebliği (Sıra No:35) 31/05/2013 tarih ve 28663 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanmıştır.

6/3/2013 12:00:00 AM TBB
European Mobility Week Concluded with a Closing Ceremony http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/News_european-mobility-week-concluded-with-a-closing-ceremony_62227 "OUR GOAL IS TO BUILD A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE"


Ekrem İmamoğlu, the President of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (UMT) and the Mayor of Istanbul, spoke at the closing event of the "European Mobility Week" (EMW). İmamoğlu stated that, UMT will support the expansion of public spaces that promote democracy in cities, and emphasized that they will take important steps to strengthen municipalities through UMT.

The European Mobility Week, for which UMT has been the national coordinator since 2018, concluded with a closing event in Üsküdar Square. The event was held within the framework of the "EU Support Project for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Cities" (SKUP Türkiye), which is funded by Türkiye and the European Union (EU), with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure as the contracting authority and UMT as the final beneficiary. Ekrem İmamoğlu, the President of UMT and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), and Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Türkiye, Chargé d'Affaires Jurgis Vilcinskas, each delivered a speech during the closing event.


In his speech, İmamoğlu highlighted that this year's theme for EMW was "Shared Public Spaces," stating, "Based on my municipal experience, I can say that well-designed public spaces make people feel a more peaceful and shared city by bringing together different groups for various purposes. Just earlier, while coming here from Harem, I saw the new state of Salacak. I absolutely loved it. Because people were vibrant and lively. It was previously under occupation and unfortunately was not usable. If only our shared spaces could increase, and if people could come together and interact more, this would enhance the quality of life and also ensure that people get to know, respect, and love each other. I assert that these kinds of public spaces contribute significantly not just to the city but also to the atmosphere created by large metropolises like ours and, to a high degree, to world peace."


Emphasizing that local governments are the closest form of public administration to all people, İmamoğlu said:

"Making transportation sustainable and accessible serves a great purpose against the adverse effects of climate change. As you can see, the pattern of rain has changed, and seasons have altered. Drought is frightening and alarming for all of us. Sometimes when there hasn’t been rain for two or three months, we begin to ask each other, 'What is happening?' Everything we say has significant contributions not only to personal health, relationships between people, and the order, tranquility, and peace of the city but also to the overall improvement of the climate. We are aware of the immense value of local governments. Local governments are the closest form of public administration to all people. Therefore, we will also strive intensively to strengthen and empower local governments. Through TBB, we will make significant efforts for changes to ensure that municipalities are stronger. I hope that together we design cities that are not only more livable and sustainable but also represent people more fairly, so that you do not feel like a stranger in your city but instead feel at home as if you were walking in your living room in Üsküdar Square. That is our aspiration."


Noting that rail systems are environmentally friendly but come with high costs, İmamoğlu expressed that citizens struggle to change their habits:

"I regret to say that in many places, as soon as we open rail system investments, we face challenges in changing some of our citizens' habits. They continue to prefer getting on minibuses or buses right at their doors. But it shouldn't be like this. We are growing into a different city with a different population. In some aspects and initiatives, we are indeed a city that has been delayed. Therefore, we say that we request you to be able to access public transport by walking reasonable distances. Of course, it is also our responsibility, as well as that of district municipalities, to provide comfortable sidewalks, ensure accessibility for the disabled, and facilitate pedestrian travel. But after we implement these measures, it is essential that you utilize public transport, which reduces emissions; otherwise, it won't be meaningful. In this respect, I encourage every citizen to be more active, to take more steps. We will be walking, right? Wonderful."


İmamoğlu underlined that they will continue to create green areas, public spaces, and squares. He mentioned the example of Salacak and many other similar examples, stating that they are not intended to be hidden or restricted but rather to be opened for the benefit of people. "You should definitely see the new state of Eminönü Square or visit Sarayburnu and see its new condition. In this respect, we have adopted the principle of continuously providing healthy spaces for all of you. This is indeed a stance that serves the concept of shared public spaces," he said. He added that the Büyükçekmece coast, which they renovated and opened for public use, was also prepared with the same approach, calling it a very special area. "Another detail is participation. These areas can also be defined as democratic spaces. When people come together and take an active role in them, the spaces are shaped better, and they contribute to making their city better. It is essential to implement a process that encourages participation; this should be the aim of every mayor."


Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Tükiye, Chargé d'Affaires Vilcinskas, also spoke, saying:

"I can tell you that the EU will continue to work with Türkiye and Istanbul to achieve this transformation and support you. How will we do this? Primarily, we will share with you the best practices necessary for the transition to sustainable urban mobility. We will ensure the development of earthquake-resistant transportation networks and provide support for this. We will assist in modernizing waste and water management. We will also offer our support for the decarbonization of maritime transportation. I assure you, as you deal with these challenges and seek solutions to these issues, you will not be alone on this journey. We hope to establish strong and lasting collaborations moving forward."

Vilcinskas concluded his speech with the words, "Our path is long. We share your excitement" in Turkish.


Inviting UMT Executive Board Members, Edirne Mayor Filiz Gencan Akın, Büyükçekmece Mayor Hasan Akgün, and Üsküdar Mayor Sinem Dedetaş to the stage, İmamoğlu summarized:

"Since 2018, UMT has been responsible for the national coordination of Mobility Week. Our goal is to change our habits a bit and ensure that the city is experienced with more mobility. In this sense, especially focusing on green solutions, we aim to make local decisions more favorable for pedestrians and people, creating a city where they can roam more. Municipalities across the country are taking strong steps in this regard. Various activities and events have been organized in many provinces during the week and will continue to do so. We hope that these habits will activate all of us. In terms of strengthening an accessible city, we have initiatives that encourage walking, cycling, and public transport use. To make the environmental and health impacts of our transportation choices meaningful, we strive to establish a more efficient and accessible transportation system with the participation of urban residents."

9/22/2024 12:00:00 AM TBB
European Mobility Week Launch Held in Ankara http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/News_european-mobility-week-launch-held-in-ankara_61986

The launch event of European Mobility Week (EMW) was hosted in Ankara by the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (UMT) and Mayor of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Ekrem İmamoğlu.

UMT has been the national coordinator of European Mobility Week since 2018. This year's Launch Event was held at the UMT headquarters with the participation of public institutions and members of the press.

The opening speeches of the event were delivered by UMT President and Mayor of İstanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu, Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Türkiye, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, and Director General for EU and Foreign Relations at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Burak Aykan.

Expressing his satisfaction that the first event during his tenure as UMT President was EMW, Presindet İmamoğlu said, "I am proud to announce such an important issue to Türkiye under the roof of UMT. I hope we can take valuable steps towards achieving strong local governance in Türkiye, establishing a democratic era where society is happy in cities, and working diligently with our team, mayors, and administrations.” President İmamoğlu also thanked the presidents, mayors, and executive board members who served under UMT before him.

Highlighting the intense interest of Turkish municipalities in EMW, President İmamoğlu stated that UMT has supported all municipalities within the scope of EMW so far and will continue to provide even stronger support this year. İmamoğlu emphasized that, thanks to UMT’s efforts, there has been a significant increase in the number of municipalities from Türkiye participating in EMW in recent years. “In this regard, we are a country with strong success in Europe. This year, we will focus on the theme of shared public spaces and how to share public spaces more efficiently and equitably. The concept of public space is very valuable in cities. It allows people to experience the freedom and tangibility of the city at a very high level. We should be the leaders who operate on the principle that 'Every citizen has the right to live in a city where public transport is encouraged, cycling is accessible, and the city is clean, quiet, and safe.' To offer our citizens a quality of life worthy of them, we must make public spaces more accessible and usable, thereby strengthening social cohesion and solidarity in all our cities. The desired impact of sustainable urban mobility plans can only be achieved if all our citizens feel and embrace this.”

Head of EU Delegation to Türkiye, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, began his speech by congratulating İmamoğlu on his election as UMT President. He said that the EU Delegation has always established strong collaborations with UMT and İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Ambassador Meyer-Landrut recalled their cooperation with İstanbul on sustainable urban mobility plans and carbon-neutral maritime activities, stating that they see EMW not just as a week of awareness but as an event that will change citizens' behavior throughout the year. In his speech, Ambassador Meyer-Landrut touched on issues such as global warming, traffic congestion, the importance of promoting public transport, and reducing carbon emissions, calling on all stakeholders to turn EMW into a success story once again this year.

Director General for EU and Foreign Relations at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Burak Aykan, emphasized that the Ministry aims to enhance stakeholders' knowledge, skills, and experiences in sustainable urban mobility through the EU Support Project for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Cities (SKUP). Aykan stated “We must encourage a transition from individual transportation to sustainable, accessible, and inclusive urban mobility forms both nationally and locally,” Also highlighted that the Ministry supports all related efforts, including the construction of urban transport projects under the responsibility of municipalities. Aykan pointed out that Türkiye achieved first place worldwide in EMW in 2023 with the participation of 670 municipal and district municipalities and aims to achieve new awards in 2024 by increasing the number of permanent projects.

The event concluded with a commemorative photo.

6/26/2024 12:00:00 AM TBB
Strong, Resilient, Livable Cities http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/News_strong-resilient-livable-cities_51992

Dear Citizens,

Dear Local Leaders,

We are stepping into a new and hopeful era in the history of our municipalities. This new period is shaped not so much by politicians as by the will expressed by our nation in the 2019 and 2024 local elections. In both elections, our citizens managed to break free from the heavy political polarization that has long plagued our country. The unique dynamics of local politics have operated strongly in these elections, and the choises of our 86 million citizens have been formed on a realistic and rational basis.

This noble nation has emphasized and demanded not a particular political party but a specific political approach in local elections. The demand of the citizens is to remove politics from being a privilege and power struggle. There must be strong cooperation and solidarity among all political and administrative actors against major and pressing issues.

I believe that the first step we will take on this path is to establish high-level cooperation and solidarity mechanisms between municipalities. We must also ensure that this climate of cooperation and solidarity prevails between local administrations and central government. There is no other way to use public resources most efficiently and to solve the problems of our cities effectively and quickly.

The Union of Municipalities of Türkiye aims to enhance cooperation and solidarity among municipalities, to intellectually and practically develop municipal governance, and to increase the welfare of our citizens. This mission includes the transfer of experience and collaborative efforts. We are determined to make the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye an institution where none of its members feels any sense of discrimination.

In the new period, the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye will work with a completely egalitarian and democratic approach. Our Union will focus on producing more and higher quality work and achieving more favorable outcomes for citizens. Starting with ourselves, we will renew the institutional structure of local administrations. With the active participation of local administrations, we will implement a reform that will re-establish the balance between central and local government and strengthen local governance.

Throughout my term, I will work with all my strength to achieve these goals. In line with the principles of justice, equality, and efficiency in local governance, we will together create strong, resilient, and livable cities.

With love and respect,


President of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye

Mayor of Istanbul

6/10/2024 12:00:00 AM TBB
Ekrem İmamoğlu Elected President of UMT http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/News_ekrem-mamoglu-elected-president-of-umt_61987

Mayor of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Ekrem İmamoğlu was elected as the president of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (UMT) with the highest number of votes in the elections held at the General Assembly.

Ekrem İmamoğlu received 515 votes, while Mayor of Trabzon Metropolitan Municipality Ahmet Metin Genç received 250 votes. Zeydan Karalar, Mayor of Adana Metropolitan Municipality, was elected as the UMT's Vice President. Ahmet Akın, Mayor of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, became the Second Vice President.

Ekrem İmamoğlu gave a thank-you speech after the results were announced and said, "This is a time when people expect a lot from local administrations. No matter which party they voted for, the choices of 86 million citizens have been formed. Everyone must respect each other. In particular, the 2024 local elections have sent a clear message to all political cadres. It is not possible to win elections with a policy of destroying each other. I believe that the first step we will take on this path is to accelerate the steps of cooperation among each other. We know that the establishment of cooperation and solidarity between local governments and the central government will complete this mechanism. We do not accept approaches that separate citizens according to the party they vote for and separate local governments according to their parties. Mechanisms that pave the way for citizens to participate directly in local government decisions are a must for the new era."

Stating that commissions will be set up within the UMT administration to provide better quality services and find quick solutions to problems, İmamoğlu said, "I will be the representative of understanding that seeks its right wherever there is illegality. I am someone who knows well what it means to be silent against injustice. I promise you solidarity and justice."

UMT Executive Board Elected

The new executive board members of the Union are as follows: Eskişehir Mayor Ayşe Ünlüce, Aydın Mayor Özlem Çerçioğlu, Mersin Mayor Vahap Seçer, Adıyaman Mayor Abdurrahman Tutdere, Edirne Mayor Filiz Gencan Akın, Zonguldak Mayor Tahsin Erdem, Artvin Mayor Bilgehan Erdem, Keçiören Mayor Mesut Özarslan, Büyükçekmece Mayor Hasan Akgün, Selçuk Mayor Filiz Ceritoğlu Sengel, Mardin Metropolitan Mayor Ahmet Türk, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Mayor Ayşe Serra Bucak, Nevşehir Mayor Rasim Arı, Şanlıurfa Metropolitan Mayor Mehmet Kasım Gülpınar.

6/5/2024 12:00:00 AM TBB
ELDW Annual Coordination Meeting Held in Strasbourg http://yeni.tbb.gov.tr/En/News_eldw-annual-coordination-meeting-held-in-strasbourg_51952

The Annual Coordination Meeting of the European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) took place on February 27th in Strasbourg, France. The meeting brought together representatives from municipalities of countries actively involved in the European Local Democracy Week last year, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Türkiye, and Ukraine.

The opening speeches of the meeting were delivered by Mathieu Mori, the Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Secretary General Mori expressed gratitude for the commitment to local democracy, especially from cities such as Lviv and Kyiv in Ukraine, despite the ongoing war and challenges faced by local governments.

In his speech, Mori highlighted that despite conflicts, local governments continue to play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of economic and energy crises, high inflation, the decline of democratic principles and values, climate change, and global warming. He emphasized the importance of resilient local governments in addressing these challenges and meeting the needs and expectations of citizens.

Véronique Bertholle, Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg and Congress Deputy Spokesperson on Youth, who moderated the meeting, congratulated the 51 participants from 18 countries for organizing 276 events throughout the year under challenging conditions. She acknowledged the significant contribution of these efforts in supporting democratic participation to enhance the resilience and inclusivity of societies.

Aligned with the theme "Local communities: putting democratic resilience at the forefront" for the 2023-2024 European Local Democracy Week, participants presented their best practices and activities, including participatory budgets, surveys, data, and meetings among young citizens.

Representatives from Çiğli, Buca, Bağcılar, and Ahmetbey Municipalities in Türkiye conducted presentations on their good practices. Participants from other countries, including Lviv (via video), Kyiv, Malta, Valongo, Vicovaro, and Banja Luka, also shared examples of good practices.

Students from Şehit Öğretmen Uğur Gören Multi-Program High School in Ahmetbey Municipality, designated as "climate change ambassadors" participated in the second session of the meeting. They emphasized the importance of youth participation in the development of local democracy.

To wrap up the meeting, 14 municipalities were awarded the "2023 European Local Democracy Week Partner" certificate in recognition of their commitment and efforts. The meeting concluded after the certificate ceremony and a group photo.

The European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) is a pan-European initiative co-ordinated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe since 2007. Throughout the year, municipalities and their national associations are invited to organise initiatives all over Europe aimed at promoting citizen participation, fostering dialogue between the community and public authorities, strengthening trust in elected representatives and institutions and providing a European dimension to local initiatives. A flagship event takes place during the week of 15 October, the date of the signature of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in 1985.

3/5/2024 12:00:00 AM TBB